public art and public space art-river-city 20092010 m8 elective subject 1 mаstеr cours foa, ub
Topic of the task is „Art-river-city“.
Objective: Art in public city spaces, Public Art Public Space engaged in training students to plan, design and implement projects to improve their public spaces deployment and (re) design using different art forms and means.
The goal of the program is to introduce students to the types, forms and conditions of the realization of artistic projects in public spaces that achieves the interdisciplinary work of the artist, architects, planners and designers, as well as various forms of public participation and community involvement in the planning, design and implementation.
Subject aims: Teaching in the research is focused on the quality of public spaces and the possibilities of their improve the implementation of various art forms. With prior notice to the theoretical foundations and practical experience in this area, in the territory of the coastal Sava and Danube rivers in Belgrade, explore the possibilities of improving the city’s public spaces and their activation, (re) design, using different art media and forms of expression. The student chooses the subject area a spatial entity which:
a) identifies and analyzes the characteristics and quality of the network of public spaces wider area, analyzes existing and establish new locations for public art projects;
b) explore the potential of selected sites in the area for the implementation of various forms of public art.
art-river-city 20092010 / gallery