open for art

the city we need: open for art – alghero 18-20 february 2016

“the city we need: open for art” is a project where public art & public space – PaPs, faculty of architecture, university of belgrade took part as a partner with department of architecture, design and urbanism in alghero, university of sassari, italy (project leader). other core partners are faculty of civic engeenering, environment and architecture in cagliari, university of cagliari, interuniversity department of regional and urban studies and planning – dist, polytechnic university of torino, university of torino, museum of art province of nuoro – man. the list is never finished, because the logic of the project is that list of the partners grows as the new partner is interested to join the action.

the project relates to urban thinkers campus – utc, within un-habitat’s world urban campaign. all utc events are oriented towards habitat iii campaign which aims to create “new urban agenda”. the utc “the city we need: open for art” was thematic event, engaging the relationships among art, city life and urban environment. thus, participants had the opportunity to contribute to the agenda by defining the critical issues of art, and more specifically, public arts as one of the most important ingredients of the lives and meanings of the city we need tomorrow. it is fully open for all who wants to be a part of it.

it took place 18-20 february in alghero, sardegna, italy. particular information about the utc “the city we need: open for art” are available at the official site:
summary of the project, program and activities, with users guidelines are represented here:

report “the city we need: open for art”

the report that all urban thnikers campuses were obliged to submit consists of two level contributions. the first one was the report about the topic chosen by the particular campus and the second one was its contribution to the document the city we need 2.0 – the comprehensive document that includes all utcs reports and summarising document that extracts qualitative contributions of the utcs by proposing 10 main principles of the city we need.

all utc realized within the world urban campaign, its topics, the organizers and the period they have been held, are represented in the form of an interactive world map at the official page of the wuc, for more information click here.

the main results from the campus “the city we need: open for art” you can find at the official site of the world urban campaign (publication is free for download) or you can see the report down under:

the city we need 2.0 – tcwn 2.0

the final draft of tcwn 2.0 with 10 principles promeoted as issues of the main interest for the new urban agenda was adopted unanimously by the world urban campaign steering committee at the regional meeting on 16 march 2016 in prague, czech republi.

more information regarding the production process and charged about the city we need 2.0 you can find at the official site of the wuc, by clicking here.

more about direct participation and contributions of PaPs on producing tcwn 2.0 you can find find in further text (subtitle: tcwn 2.0 promotion campaign – april 2016).

tcwn 2.0 is translated in 8 languages and it is available at the official wuc site and it is free to download by clicking here, or you can see it down under:

tcwn 2.0 promotion campaign – april 2016

the workshop was an indirect consequence of urban thinkers campus (utc) “the city we need: open for art”, organized by christine auclair, project leader – world urban campaign – un-habitat, rainer kern, the city of mannheim – representative of the lord mayor; director unesco – city of music mannheim; director of the enjoy jazz festival of mannheim and christian huebel, strategic managet of the city of mannheim.
after the implementation of the utc, the requested reports by wuc contributed to the comprehensive document that includes all utcs reports and in parallel, summarising document that extracts qualitative contributions of the utcs by proposing 10 main principles of the city we need. tcwn 2.0 was prepared as a possible contribution to “new urban agenda”, accepted on habitat iii (un conference on housing and sustainable urban development / quito, ecuador; october 17-21, 2016.). towards habitat iii, at the 14th wuc steering committee meeting (prague, 15-16 march 2016) partners of the wuc who have been involved in the organization of urban thinkers campuses in 2015-16 have expressed the need to strengthen communication on tcwn 2.0 before habitat iii.
one of the vehicles of that dissemination has been established as the wuc tv, and tcwn series, a collection of news videos to illustrate tcwn towards the habitat iii conference and beyond. not only the videos, but there were necessity for focused promotional strategy and ground-breaking production to attract participants, the media and the general public, before and at habitat iii.
chosen by wuc a group of committed partners and operators in the field of urban artistic production were selected. four team members that are selected were from the utc open for art, where two of them are PaPs representatives.
in april 2016, hosted by the city of mannheim, the workshop is held as a 3 full-day meeting and brain-storming on a possible production to promote tcwn 2.0, concentrated on mapping and identification of potential processes and associated partners for such a production. the outcome of the workshop was a media campaign, including a strategic timeline of promotional activities and its contributions. diverse scenarios for events following wuc meetings was drafted (finally, there were no resources for its realization). engagement and temporality about social media was the other result, including youtube, twitter, instagram, facebook and others. here you can see the video that was produced by wuc team after the workshop:

the particular PaPs contribution is the idea and its graphical identity of the promotional campaign and following materials. at the picture down below you can see how the idea is born, then developed and realised later by the official wuc designer for the document tcwn 2.0.

habitat iii, quito – october 2016

habitat iii is the united nations conference on housing and sustainable urban development held in quito, ecuador, from 17 – 20 october 2016 (after the habitat i – vancouver 1976 and habitat ii – istanbul 1996). the conference started at 17, but many activities and official preparatory meetings started on 15th of october. the conference is held in city of quito, the capital of the ecuador. it spreads along the slopes of the pichincha volcano (ands) at the attitude of 2818m. it is founded in the 16th century (by the spanish) on the inca’s ruins and despite of strong earthquake from 1917, it has the best preserved historical centre respect all latin american cities. it is protected by unesco as cultural heritage of outstanding universal value from 1978 (1 of 8 sites protected for the very first time).
according to greatly increasing population and urbanization, the conference focused on rethinking new urban agenda for new models of sustainable development. stressed out by almost all keynote speakers presented, the keyword for the urban future is recapturing the cities.
the conference was organized trough series of parallel events, side events, stakeholders’ roundtables, high-level roundtables, special sessions, plenary meetings, assemblies, dialogues, networking events, training events, urban stage, urban talks, urban library, urban future, one un pavilion and urban journalism academy. most of the events were open for the participants. in the name of urban thinker campus “the city we need: open for art”, in front of the department of architecture, design and urbanism in alghero, university of sassari and public art & public space from faculty of architecture, university of belgrade, we were invited and participated as a speaker at the side event called “implementing the new urban agenda? the role of urban thinkers campuses and the city we need”. the topic of the meeting was summing up the lessons learned and key messages from 26 campuses held all around the world during 2015 and 2016. further, the discussion took the direction towards possibilities for the implementation of the concepts highlighted by the campuses.
another aspect of the habitat iii conference was “quito implementation plan”. it refers specific voluntary commitment about the implementation of the outcomes of the habitat iii conference and the new urban agenda. the commitments are looking for “concrete actions, measurable and achievable, focused on implementation, and with great depth of information for future accountability and transparency.” (habitat iii, 2016)
parallel activity with the conference program was habitat village. it was constructed on the streets of quito with the purpose to offer an experience of the new urban agenda. a series of pavilions representing world countries or/and innovative solutions (like pop-up talks on placemaking, mobile class e-waste or innovative urban furniture) was build and different side events took a place in habitat village. side events were like a living laboratory of urban innovations realized by particular organisation(s) who are previously applied and been accepted to implement the spatial installations and performances.

and the “new urban agenda” is adopted.

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