who we are ?
what we do ?
how we do it ?
PaPs is creative society of students, professors, citizens, and institutions from serbia and beyond. together, we aim to foster a growing community that values Public Art, empowering people to claim urban spaces and enhance quality of urban places and quality of life in general.
we perceive Public Art as an anchor of our sense of belonging and a representation of civic ideas, beliefs, identity, and pride. hence, we seek to inspire people to express their voices freely and creatively about thinking critically about their way of seeing, way of knowing and way of being together.
we use Public Art in urban planning and design of Public Spaces and widely interdisciplinary and participative ‘dreaming by doing’ method to innovate and enhance urban quality and to ensure equitable opportunities for everyone to engage in shared cultural experiences in Public Space.

walkthrough PaPs project

PaPs program explores the possibilities of redefining the use and design of public spaces through the integration of art into the process of urban planning and design. it aims to establish a new framework for the evaluation and improvement of Public Spaces based on:
innovation of routine in planning and design of public spaces
interdisciplinar collaboration between different fields of practice without hierarchy
participation of all competent stakeholders
education of new generation of experts
as an an international, interdisciplinary, scientific, research and educational program, Public Art & Public Space has several strategic segments:
PaPs Research is executed through the PaPsLab research laboratory, which initiates and participaticipates in national and international research projects, etc.
PaPs Research is executed through the PaPsLab research laboratory, which initiates and participaticipates in national and international research projects, conferences, etc.
PaPs Edu is implemented through the realization of PaPs academic curriculum classes at master’s and doctoral studies as part of regular classes at the university of belgrade, faculty of architecture. this type of educational activity is also carried out at schools in serbia and abroad where PaPs researchers are engaged.
PaPs Projects are non-profit, participatory, and interdisciplinary. they are realized through cooperation with national and local administrations and academic and non-academic institutions in serbia and abroad, from all three sectors of society.
PaPs Publishing is completed through publishing own publications or participationg in publications of other authors: editorial books, representative journals, conference proceedings and ect.
PaPs Support celebrates exchange – giving and receiving.
scale: XXS (small scale objects), XS (small art installations), S (small urban interventions), M (public art planning and design), L (urban planning and urban design), XL (regional, spatial, strategic planning and cultural landscape), XXL (international and global).