arte publica in spazi publici

Thanks to Department of Architecture, Design and Urbanism in AlgheroUniversity of Sassari, the cultural project L\’Ultimo SpettacoloTaMaLaCà (see also TaMaLaCà flickr) and STHEC TICS Sardinian network \”Smart Territories Healty Cities\” – \”Territori Intelligenti/Città Sane\”, on 16th of November 2016, in Sassari, Italy, Public Art & Public Space has a great honor to participate in the discussion about “Public Art in Public Space” together with dear friend and artist Leonardo Boscani. The event was organized in the wide frame of the UTC: The City We Need: Open for Art.

In the warm and welcomed atmosphere of the L\’Ultimo Spettacolo cultural center, in Corso Trinità 161 in Sassari, the discussion was realized as a sort of dialog between PaPs (Zoran Đukanović and Nađa Beretić) and the artist (Leonardo Boscani) with the fluent participation of the audience (citizens, professionals and academics). The discussion was dancing among several horizons: the art and the city; public art and public space; everyday life as the matter of art; the artist/art and the community…

The discussion is recorded by Radiofficine Arci. The introduction is possible to listen by clicking here and the discussion by clicking here.

arte publica in spazi publici / Gallery

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