incomplete dream of belgrade continuity

The Workshop “Incomplete Dream of Belgrade Continuity” was organized within the wide frame of General Protocol of Collaboration betweenUniversity of Firenze and University of Belgrade.The Workshop was held from June 14th until June 25th 2010 at University of
Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia.

Draft version of publication.

The Workshop “Incomplete Dream of Belgrade Continuity”

Partners – initiators

University of Firenze – Faculty of Architecture – LabPSM – Laboratory – City and Territory in Southern Countries; Firenze; Italy
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture – PaPs – Public Art and Public Space program; Belgrade; Serbia

Academic partners

Keio University – Department of Systems Design Engineering; Tokyo; Japan
National University of Singapore – Department of Architecture; Singapore
Bauhaus-Universität – Faculty of Media; Weimar; Germany

Other academic partners

Public Art and Public Space program; Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade; Belgrade; Serbia
co+labo radovic; Keio University – Department SDE; Tokyo; Japan
IKI; International Keio Institute for Architecture and Urbanism; Tokyo; Japan

Non-academic partners

Public Enterprise „Belgrade Fortress“
+SUD – Association for International Cooperation in Urban and Regional Planning; Firenze; Italy

image / gallery

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