Urban Open Spaces 20102011 М31104 Elective subject 1 Master course Landscape Architecture, FoF, UB05 Urban Open Spaces
This program is the result of PaPs work with the students at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, cours: Landscape architecture.
The specific objective of the course is Sava Riverfront in the Belgrade in the area from Branko’s bridge to estuary of Topčider’s River.
The course teaches the student to Master Planning of the Open areas of the City, in cooperation with the City Municipality Savski Venac.
The outcome of course is reflected in the acquisition of the skills strategy formulation and planning of the system of open spaces, gaining experience in data processing and evaluation abiotic and biotic environment and the image of the city. Acquisition of skills for teamwork.
Syllabus of subject is made of two parts:
Theoretical study: The current development strategy of the system of open space, sustainable development and open space of the system (requirements in relation to politics, economy and city planning), urban design and open areas of the system; categories of open areas; planning methodology system open areas of the city , methods of evaluation for the establishment of a system of open areas; planning of GIS systems in open areas of the city; databases, norms and standards.
Practical lessons: The exercises are taking place in the form of study. The student is to prepare a feasibility study obligated within which interprets the acquired theoretical knowledge and techniques of data processing and presentation of the plan. Field of research represents an integral part of feasibility studies.