Public art in belgrade

first step: “dossier negotin”
the project initiative “konowine: alghero-negotin” is the result of the collaboration among: public art & public space program – PaPs, faculty of architecture, university of belgrade; department of architecture, design and urbanism in alghero, university of sassari; municipality of negotin; italian embassy in belgrade and association of italian and serbian scientists and scholars – ais3 and gesellschaft für internationale zusammenarbeit – giz. in the meantime, the family of participants in the project initiative has been enriched with: comune di alghero; cooperativa cantina santa maria la palma; consorzio agriturismi di alghero e territorio; faculty of forestry, university of belgrade; several small wine producers and small agritourism enterprises from negotin area. the project initiative is done by PaPs logistic and facilitation. as a first result of the project, the publication “dossier negotin” is done. it consists all basis, potentials, framework of current conditions and possibilities for the future collaboration, between the city of negotin (serbia) and city of alghero (sardegna, italy).

next step: “knowine” project proposal
the next step accomplished in collaboration of the mentioned institutions and individuals, was the project proposal written in common (june 2015): department of architecture, design and urban planning (dadu), university of sassari (uniss) – italy; public art & public space, faculty of architecture, university of belgrade – serbia; municipality of negotin – serbia; municipality of alghero – italy; cantina santa maria la palma, società cooperativa agricola per azioni – italy; department of planning, design, technology of architecture, university of rome “sapienza” – italy. the application form is fulfilled for the grant named “kep italy” financed by the cei fund at the ebrd contributed by italy.

summary on the “knowine” application

the project proposal “empowering governance of rural and wine development in negotin, serbia – knowine” is a result of existing, but not institutionalized collaboration among 6 partners (italy-serbia): department of architechture, design and urban planning, university of sassari (applicant), municipality of negotin (beneficiary), faculty of architecture, university of belgrade, department of planning, design, technology of architecture, university of rome “sapienza”, cantina santa maria la palma – società cooperativa agricola per azioni, municipality of alghero.
social and economic structure of the negotine wine region reflects decreasing trend of wine production and depopulation.the project objective is strengthening local capacities and sustainable regional development in the negotin wine region by exchanging know-how, experiences, good practices of international experts and academic, leading to building up local development action models. expected results are: institutionalized “city to city” cooperation negotin-alghero; increased transfer of knowledge, experiences and practices of local representatives and wine growers from negotin region and alghero; increased know-how transfer between academic and practical knowledge among local public, private and civic stakeholders (negotin wine region) and universities from serbia and italy; promoted and disseminated transnational networks results: publication, exhibition of the student works, closing conference and the web page.

another step: “learning economies. modeling community-led local development for the sustainable economic trajectories of the negotin and zlatibor regions” project proposal
the project proposal is done in collaboration among: associazione bruno trentin (ex ires – istituto ricerche economiche e sociali) – rome, italy; university of belgrade – faculty of architecture, department of urbanism, public art & public space program – serbia; and department of architecture, design and urban planning (dadu), university of sassari (uniss) – italy.

current debate on local development highlights the importance of its place-based dimension. the emerging approaches (stimson et al.2011), while recognizing that development is framed by exogenous factors, attribute a much more significant role to endogenous forces. this approach has been translated into european policies and regulations with the concept of community led local development (clld) whose legal basis is defined by articles 2 and 32-35, regulation(eu) 1303/2013. it concerns four funds covered by the ue common strategic framework in the 2014-2020 programming period. it is meant to be used at sub-regional level, complementing other development support at local level. clld can mobilise and involve local communities and organisations to contribute to achieving the europe 2020 strategy goals of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, fostering territorial cohesion and reaching socio-economic policy objectives. main aim of this proposal is the identification and construction of a clld-model of intervention on the regional development trajectories.this model will consist of a feasibility study for the implementation of a proactive decision-support web-platform aimed at community-led local sustainable development providing a valuable interface between firms, communities, authorities with solution-oriented innovative approaches in a public and participatory dimension.

this policy-focused research proposal will stem from two different case-studies:
1) the region of negotin, focused on the studies, networking, the transfer of knowledge already developed within the bilateral scientific
cooperation of the partners and sponsored by the italian embassy in belgrade, (see negotin dossier,;
2) the region of zlatibor,connecting the present proposal with the investment that maeci has already made in supporting the 2013 “mobility” project n. rs13mo5 and its scientific outputs and spin offs(see sections cv,collaborazioni).

negotinska krajina region, “in situ” work_July 2014 / gallery

Belgrade – Negotinska krajina Region, March 2015 / gallery

Negotinska krajina Region, “in situ” participation_May 2015 / gallery

Alghero_September 2015 / gallery

presence in the media:

In Serbia:

In Sardinia, Italy

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