music & form

\”Music & Form\” project was initiated and coordinated by Ms. Alessandra Bertini (Director of Italian Cultural Center in Belgrade), Mr. Tomislav Djordjevic (Mayor of Savski Venac city municipality), and Mr. Radomir Jelacic (the Governor of National Bank of Serbia). Project was developed and realized by creative teams of \”Centro Ricerche Musicali\” from Rome and program \”Public Art & Public Space\” – Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade.

\”Music & Form\” evolves from symbolic ideas of music of the two rivers of Belgrade (the Sava and the Danube river) and fruther proposes development of the private (National Bank of Serbia) and public space within streets Kralja Milana, Kralja Milutina, Nemanjina, Slavija Square. Interaction between sound and lighting instalations on the main pedestrian route is merged with the landscape and pavement design.


LICIA GALIZIA, visual artist
LAURA BIANCHINI, artistic curator
CORRADO TERZI, architect & lighting designer
ALESSANDRA BERTINI, management coordinator
ZORAN DJUKANOVIC, architect & urban planner
ANDJELKA BOROVIC, student of architecture
MILANA ALEKSIC, student of architecture
ALEKSANDAR BOBIC, landscape architect

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