\”sidewalk museum\” at monumenti aperti alghero

\”Sidewalk Museum\” is the exhibition realised by Animation Design laboratory of the Department of Architecture, Design and Urbanism – DADU(University of Sassari, Italy) for the event \”Monumenti aperti – Alghero 2018\”. The exhibition is a result of collaboration with the local prison, Casa di Reclusione di Alghero. Public art & Public space collaborated on realisation of the \”Sidewalk Museum\”: a transportable, temporary exhibition designed to support and enrich the visit to the Museum of Prison \”Casa di Reclusione Giuseppe Tommasiello\”, Alghero.

Concept of the exhibition: Nicolò Ceccarelli
Executive project: Marco Sironi
Support to the executive project: Francesco Puggioni
Collaboration: Vanessa Angius, Nađa Beretić / Public art & Public space, Maria Clelia Cossu, Paola Dore, Lara Marras, Simone Sanna and, Sabina Selli.
Autors of texts: Nicolò Ceccarelli and Paolo Bellotti
Graphical project: Marco Sironi
Prison\’s architectures section from a thesis by: Federica Serra
Special thanks to: Francesco Indovina and Elisa Milanesi

sidewalk museum / gallery

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