step towards river

Aimed to celebrate the excellence of Italian design, which is an important sector of culture and economy, the Italian Design Day reaches its fourth edition. It will take place in 100 cities all over the world and focus on Drawing the Future. Development, Innovation, Sustainability, Beauty. As in the past editions, the theme will be expressed with particular attention to sustainability by 100 “Italian design ambassadors” – architects, designers, academics, business people, critics, communicators – who will bring us the best of Italian design.

Italian Design Day in the World is a project launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in collaboration with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (MiBACT)Ministry of Economic DevelopmentICE Agenzia, ConfindustriaAssociation for Industrial Design (ADI)Compasso d\’Oro FoundationFederlegno ArredoSalone del Mobile in Milan and Milan Triennale.

Italian Design, a journey to the origins of Made in Italy

On the occasion of the fourth Italian Design Day, the Italian Cultural Institute of Belgrade in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture of BelgradeUniversity of Belgrade presents an online conference by Prof. Arch. Giuseppe Marinelli De Marco – a professor of Basic design at ISIA Roma Design and of Space Design and Multimedia Systems at the University of Udine, as well as a creator and artistic director of the Pordenone Design Week, and co-founder of the “Small Cities Innovative Forum”. Active in the field of international architecture with Studio Labirinto, he is engaged in the study and dissemination of architecture and design for complex societies, making sustainability his own brand of design identity. Some of his drawings are part of the permanent collections of the Maxxi in Rome, the Pompidou Center in Paris, and the Shusek in Moscow. He has held important international events in the design sector and has lectured all over the world.

Italian design is characterized by a continuous renewal of themes and schemes that the creativity of the authors and stimulus of the clients continuously feed. Numerous characteristics made Italian design famous, prestigious, and recognizable. This includes: the invention and originality in the projects, the quality of the materials used, the careful manufacture of the objects, the production process that respects the environment, those who work and who will use the products, the graphics of the packaging and advertising at the highest level, etc.

The conference by architect Marinelli De Marco, entitled \”Italian Design, a journey to the origins of Made in Italy\”, will be moderated by arch. Zoran Đukanović, Public atr & Public space – PaPs, Faculty of Architecture.

The conference held on Thursday 5 November 2020 at 6.00 pm on the Zoom platform.

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