Author name: NEVENA

european conventions and recommendations in the field of cultural heritage

european conventions and recommendations in the field of cultural heritage EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997. […]

città, fiumi, margini fluviali / roma – belgrado

AutoriZoran Djukanovic, Roberto А. Cherubini, Jelena Zivkovic EditoreIstituto Italiano di Cultura di Belgrado  Рег /\’editoreAlessandra Bertini Malgarini  Progetto graficoRajna Salevic, Zoran Djukanovic, Marko Muzdeka, Slavko Milanovic, Jelena Zivkovic Traduzioni iп serboBiljana Krunic, Магјпа Mojsilovic Traduzioni јп italianoLuka Matic, Маја Gavric  ТipografiaС – PRINT / Radomira Markovića 27, Beograd  Тiratura500  Luogo е data di pubbIicazioneBelgrado, 2008.

the european urban charter / reclaiming city streets for people

the european urban charter / reclaiming city streets for people EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

oltre la nuova agenda urbana / over the new urban agenda

oltre la nuova agenda urbana / over the new urban agenda The event is hosted by the cultural project L\’Ultimo Spettacolo in organisation of the project UTC: \”The City We Need: Open for Art\”; Department of Architecture, Design and Urbanism in Alghero, University of Sassari; Public Art & Public Space, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade; TaMaLaCà and STHEC TICS Sardinian network \”Smart Territories Healty Cities\”

open for art: Il ruolo dell’arte pubblica

open for art: Il ruolo dell’arte pubblica Hosted at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism in Alghero, University of Sassari, PaPs was presented at the lecture named \”OPEN FOR ART _ Il ruolo dell’arte pubblica\” within the course for the first year of Master studies in Architecture, under the leadership of prof. Arnaldo Bibo Cecchini. The presentation

arte publica in spazi publici

arte publica in spazi publici Thanks to Department of Architecture, Design and Urbanism in Alghero, University of Sassari, the cultural project L\’Ultimo Spettacolo, TaMaLaCà (see also TaMaLaCà flickr) and STHEC TICS Sardinian network \”Smart Territories Healty Cities\” – \”Territori Intelligenti/Città Sane\”, on 16th of November 2016, in Sassari, Italy, Public Art & Public Space has a great honor to participate in

isia roma desing: pordenone design week 2015

ISIA ROMA DESIGN: Pordenone Design Week 2015 Public art & Public space – PaPs team was partacipated at ISIA Roma Design: Pordenone Design Week 2015. It is 4th edition of the event, held       16-20 March 2015. The workshop was organized and coordinated by Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche – ISIA Roma Design, Italy with Consorzio Universitario

accesibility for people with disabilities

accesibility for people with disabilities ACCESSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECTURAL SPACES FOR THE PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITI The workshop was as part of the Sustainability Conference in Belgrade; it was organized on Friday, November 11th at the Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade (Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 73/II) in the room 218 (2nd floor) from 16.00h until

tcwn 2.0 promotion campaign

tcwn 2.0 promotion campaign The workshop was an indirect consequence of Urban Thinkers Campus (UTC) \”The City We Need: Open for Art\” (, organized by Christine Auclair, Project Leader – World Urban Campaign – UN-Habitat, Rainer Kern, The City of Mannheim – Representative of the Lord mayor; Director UNESCO – City of Music Mannheim; Director of the Enjoy Jazz festival of

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