Author name: NEVENA

016 PaPs 2018 PaPs Course in Italy_Politecnico di Bari

course in Italy politecnico di bari in the period from march 22nd 2018 to june 21st 2018, PaPs had an opportunity to expand its activities in puglia (italy), in the occasion of the official engagement at the politecnico di bari. the activities carried on during the period included teaching as well as extensive research, networking […]

015 PaPs 2017 international visibility

international visibility the topic of international visibility based on the remarkable results achieved on a previous annual project “the city we need: open for art” (2016) realised in cooperation with the department of architecture, design and urbanism in alghero, university of sassari. the experience helped us to recognise the importance to strengthen the international visibility

habitat III

habitat III Habitat III is the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development held in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 – 20 October 2016 (after the Habitat I – Vancouver 1976 and Habitat II – Istanbul 1996). The Conference started at 17, but many activities and official preparatory meetings started on 15th of October.

so_cult re / generation meeting

so_cult re / generation meeting The paper \”Public art & Public space, Serbian experience\” was presented at the international conference SO_CULT RE/GENERATION MEETING, Remixing cities II held in Siena (Italy) in October. The meeting was the second edition of the event, organized as a series of sequent meetings held in 3 Italian cities: Reggio Emilia, Mantova and

Public art & Public space – public art as a placemaking practice

Public art & Public space – public art as a placemaking practice Public art & Public space – PaPs programe is presented durin the seminary for PhD course: Dottorato in Architettura e Ambiente at Architettura ad Alghero, Dipartimento di Architettura, Design e Urbanistica, Università degli Studi di Sassai, Italia.

“from the city to design, the experience of transition town“

“from the city to design, the experience of transition town“ The Conference “From the City to Design, the experience of Transition Town“ was held within the Pordenone Design Week 2015, 18th of March, 2015 in Pordenone, Italy. The work of Public art & Public space – PaPs, program has been presented in it. After the welcoming and introduction words

spazio pubblico, arte pubblica – public space, public art

spazio pubblico, arte pubblica – public space, public art Public art Public space – PaPs program was presented within Summer School 4-13 September 2014: \”Sardegna, Il territorio dei luoghi, Paesaggi Culturali, Progetti per una capitale europea della Cultura 2019\” held in Sardinia, Italy as product of collaboration between Dipartimento di Ingeneria civile, Ambientale e Architettura – DICAAR di Cagliarie

011 PaPs 2013 ten years after

ten years after ten years ago, our PaPs – public art & public space program was born. during the last ten years, we were all worked hardly and now we are still working hardly in a very good mood. thank you for all of that: for your friendship, support and hard work, for your desires

remake of the exibition „vinograd – the art of wine“ – negotin

remake of the exibition „vinograd – the art of wine“ – negotin At the instance of citizens, local cultural center and winemakers from Negotin and on our great pleasure, exhibition „VinoGrad – The Art of Wine“ will be presented for the second time in Negotin at the Small Gallery of „Krajina“ Cinema. Opening date: Monday,

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