
remake of the exibition „vinograd – the art of wine“ – negotin

remake of the exibition „vinograd – the art of wine“ – negotin At the instance of citizens, local cultural center and winemakers from Negotin and on our great pleasure, exhibition „VinoGrad – The Art of Wine“ will be presented for the second time in Negotin at the Small Gallery of „Krajina“ Cinema. Opening date: Monday, […]

vinograd – the art of wine in negotin

vinograd – the art of wine in negotin As a part of manifestation called “Majske svečanosti”,on a city square in Negotin, works from students of faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, were displayed as a part of an exhibition. Students through works showed their ideas for regulating and promoting famous touristic destinations in Negotinska Krajina.

vinograd – the art of wine

vinograd – the art of wine For successful implementation of this year\’s course were responsible students of Bachelor\’s and Master\’s levels, the head of course prof. Zoran Djukanovic, ass. Aleksandar Bobic, coordinator Goran Radulovic, consultant Milorad Cilic, as well as many guest speakers and contributors.  Special thanks were presented to Municipal Government of Negotin, The National

PaPs at “musem night / noc muzeja 2011”

PaPs at \”musem night / noc muzeja 2011\” \”Noc Muzeja 2011\” – exhibition in Konak Kneginje Ljubice (Residence of Princess Ljubica) in Belgrade will include selected PaPs student projects from \”Death and the City – Grad i Smrt – Bogdan Bogdanovic\” exhibition. Projects were picked by the managers and curators of the The Belgrade City Museum as part

the doomed architect (ukleti neimar) – bogdan bogdanovic

the doomed architect (ukleti neimar) – bogdan bogdanovic \”The Doomed Architect / Ukleti neimar\” exhibition in Konak Kneginje Ljubice (Residence of Princess Ljubica) in Belgrade will include selected PaPs student projects from \”Death and the City – Grad i Smrt – Bogdan Bogdanovic\” exhibition. Projects were picked by the exhibition author Ivan Ristic and curators

bogdan bogdanovic – death and the city

bogdan bogdanovic – death and the city \”Death and the City – Grad i smrt – Bogdan Bogdanović\” exhibition of the students’ works is follow-up EDU activity, organized in the Museum of Yugoslav History “25. maj” in Belgrade. Selected projects were picked by the managers and curators of the The Belgrade City Museum for further exhibiting during

belgrade fortress – incomplete dream of town’s continuity

belgrade fortress – incomplete dream of town’s continuity PUBLIC ART INSTALLATIONBelgrade Fortress – Incomplete Dream of Town’s Continuity „Belgrade Fortress – incomplete dream of Town’s continuity“ is Public Art installation realized as part of the project „Revitalization of Belgrade Fortress“ within the frame of the Plan and program PE „Belgrade Fortress“ for 2009.The project is

white town’s incomplete dream

white town’s incomplete dream EXHIBITIОN of students’ works – Faculty of Architecture – University of BelgradeUnfulfilled Dream of Belgrade The exhibition „Unfulfilled dream of Belgrade“ is part of the project „Revitalization of Belgrade Fortress“ within the frame of the Plan and program PE „Belgrade Fortress“ for 2009. The project, financed by the Municipality of Belgrade’s

tito and i – at muncipality of savski venac

tito and i – at muncipality of savski venac Tito and I, exhibition of students from Faculty of Architecture at Municipality of Savski venac, Belgrade, 2008 tito and i, muncipality of savski venac / gallery

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