
mn’m workbook 3 – future urban intensities

mn\’m workbook 3 – future urban intensities this book brings together a selection of research papers, which were first presented at the concluding, third measuring the non-measurable – mn’m symposium, held in tokyo 11, 2013. The project Measuring the non-Measurable was conducted at Keio University, in the period between 2011-2014. It entered the field of debates […]

intensities in ten cities – mn’m workbook 1

intensities in ten cities – mn\’m workbook 1 \”a thing called phenomenon of the city are those to which it seems from what can be quantified accurately by measuring easily, description to avoid getting in any form, can be classified into broad indeed range\” at Keio university darko radović professor taught plays a central role,

tokyo dérive – in search of urban intensities – mn’m workbook 2

tokyo dérive – in search of urban intensities – mn\’m workbook 2 This volume of visual essays presents a selection of recordings from Tokyo fieldwork, and fragments of rich follow-up discussions at Keio University, which were conducted by the team of experts involved in an interdisciplinary urban and architectural research project Measuring the non-Measurable –

density/intensity/public-private_case study on belgrade

density/intensity/public-private_case study on belgrade In search for understanding qualities of urban, this paper/catalog examines and represents urban density, urban intensity and public/private interface – on the case study on Belgrade. Based on the understanding of the nature of these categories, specific cultural and developmental context of Belgrade and relational view of space, urban density, intensity


баш This research is done by Turkish student on exchange in Serbia who belied in possibility for understanding and recording as a possibility to help in some percent Turkish people to feel like at home here in Serbia. The research is chronic of her journey in Belgrade and into Serbian culture and it’s possibility for

sremska street, belgrade

sremska street, belgrade SPATIAL AUDIT OF SREMSKA STREET IN BELGRADEExpert team of Stari Grad city municipalityChairman of the Architecture and Urbanism Council – Stari Grad city municipalityMiroslava Javtić, dipl.eng.arch.PAPS ( Public Art Public Space)Faculty of Architecture – University of Belgrade Authors:Doc. Zoran Đukanović, Jelena Živković, Ksenija Lalović, Uroš Radosavljević, dipl.eng.arch.Aleksandar Bobić,ša

placemaking – public art

placemaking – public art “… From the very beginning of work on international, educational and interdisciplinary project Public art Public space (PaPs) – Urban municipality Stari Grad has various, complex and extremely significant role in its activities. By recognizing the importance of synergy actions in improvement of public spaces, Urban municipality Stari Grad enabled and

uzice avangrad

uzice avangrad This study was produced for Academica Užice NGO, through the Program for Art and culture – Open Highway E761, with the support of SDC SCP Pro Helvetia Beograd and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia. If you want to se the study click here. Authors:Doc. Zoran Đukanović, d.i.a.Doc. Mr Jelena Živković, d.i.a.Mr

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