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Projects / Annual Projects

006 paps 2008 conference

Interdisciplinary approach to the projects and workshops of art installations… in public spaces…

(artists: musicians/composers, lighting designers, photographers, fashion designers, architects & urban designers, film makers, industrial designers…)


Aleksandar Kujucev, art photographer, Belgrade

Prof. Branko Pavic, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade

Charlotte Cohen, Regional Fine Arts Manager, Division of Design and Construction, General Services Administration, PBS

Centro Ricerche Musicali (CRM), - Centre for musical research in Rome:
Laura Bianchini, composer
Prof. Corrado Terzi, lighting designer (Professor at Sapienza, partner at Studio Associato di Architettura Annunziata & Terzi)
Licia Galicia, artist
Michelangelo Lupone, composer and music researcher
Bruno Carrioti

Prof. Darko Radović, Keio University

Dragan Jelenković, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade

Dragana Ognjenović, fashion designer

Giovanni Ruffini, University of Florence

Goran Marković, movie director

ISIA Roma:
Giulio Angelini
Giuseppe Marinelli De Marco

Prof. Jean Pierre Clarac, landscape architect, Professor, Atelier Jean-Pierre Clarac

Prof. Raffaelle Paloscia, Faculty of Architecture, University of Florence

Prof. Roberto Cherubini, Faculty of Architecture, La Sapienza University, Rome

xxx fashion and the city


PaPs students

conference / Gallery

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