health space. hospital outdoor environment


Francesca Giofrè, Zoran Đukanović


Rosalba Belibani, Nađa Beretić, Ružica Božović-Stamenović, Martina Cardi, Rosalba D’Onofrio, Zoran Ðukanović, Anna Maria Giovenale, Francesca Giofrè, Vesna Mandić, Ivana Miletić, Valentina Napoli, Giuseppe Primiceri, Fabio Quici, Tamara Stanisavljević, Ferdinando Terranova, Elio Trusiani


Romano Del Nord, Vladan Đokić


Nađa Beretić

ISBN: 978-88-907872-9-4

Published 2015

The book is a result of collaboration among:

Sapienza University of Rome, Department Planning Design Technology of Architecture, Italy;

Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Serbia and

Public Art & Public Space program, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Health space. Hospital outdoor environment

“The aim of this book is not to compile a set of guidelines with systematic discipline, nor to act as a manual to be added to the already numerous publications on the design of Healing Gardens, rather it has attempted to extract – from experiences, projects and research – some principles aimed at highlighting the contribution off ered by designers in treating, with equal dignity and equal purpose, the outdoor spaces as interior spaces in healthcare facilities.” – Romano Del Nord, Director of TESIS, Inter-University Research Centre “Systems and Technologies for Healthcare Buildings”, University of Florence, Italy.

“The book provides a narrative summary for urban planners and designers and, especially, health policy-makers and demonstration that consideration of health becomes an element of high importance in city planning. Presented fi ndings of the relationship between physical and social dimensions of urban spaces and their association with health protection sought to pull together clear relevance public outdoor spaces have for public health and to encompass the wider social and economic determinants of public health. – Vladan Đokić, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Serbia.

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