wine cellars of negotin: participatory urban design

The book \”Wine Cellars of Negotin: Participatory Urban Design\” presents a summary of five years of activities. It is a logical continuation of the previously published book and collaborations, which have initiated earlier. The first collaboration between the Municipality of Negotin and the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture – Public Art & Public Space Program – PaPs has started in 2011. A very wide range of top academic, public, and private institutions and top experts, from Serbia, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, and the UK has accompanied this collaboration. The first results of the activities, which were realized from 2011 to mid-2014, are presented in the book “VinoGrad – The Art of Wine”, published in 2015. Therefore, this book is a result of the activities that have been implemented since mid-2014.

Developing as a continuation of the previous research and achieved results, implementation of the activities in the last five years has evolved in three basic directions. These directions make the structure of the book. Firstly, connecting the city of Negotin to the international networks aimed at the knowledge transfer through twinning, or networking with cities that share similar experiences from the past and similar hopes for a desired future. Secondly, drafting concrete project proposals for the revitalization of Negotin wine cellars as a distinct development base for the restoration of wine-growing methods and wine production techniques that have traditionally celebrated this region. This is in order to prove the possibility of introducing modern approaches to the revival of the viniculture, protecting the heritage, and closer linkage of these sectors with the daily needs and routines of both existing and future users. Thirdly, the book presents the initiative and implementation of international scientific research projects that aim to find adequate strategies and practical tools for strengthening local capacities for research, initiation, management, and monitoring of plans and projects for sustainable development of the territory.

Some of the most important results, which are presented in this book, have been realized and are still being realized, in close partnership among the following institutions: University of BelgradeFaculty of Architecture, Serbia; University of SassariDepartment of Architecture, Design and Urbanism, Alghero, Italy; Municipality of Negotin, Serbia; Municipality of Alghero, Italy; Fondazione Di Vittorio(FDV), Rome, Italy; Sapienza UniversityFaculty of Architecture, Rome, Italy; University of Belgrade-Faculty of Philosophy, Serbia; Institute for Architecture and Urban Planning & Spatial Planning (IAUS), Belgrade, Serbia; University of Roma TreFaculty of Architecture, Italy; University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry, Serbia; „Cantina Santa Maria La Palma“ the social, agricultural cooperative of winemakers, Alghero, Italy; Riserva Naturale dei Monti Navegna & Cervia, Italy; Association of Italian and Serbian Scientists and Researchers(AIS3), Serbia-Italy; Italian Embassy in BelgradeItalian Institute of Culture in Belgrade, as well as with the participation of professors and top experts from: Keio University of Tokyo, Japan; Meiji University of Tokyo, Japan; University of Leeds, England; and from Cilic Estate, Lozovik, Serbia. All project activities were realized with constant care, active and full participation, and logistical support of the “Public art & Public space – PaPs” program from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade.

Please click here to see the electronic version of the book:

“Wine Cellars of Negotin: Participatory Urban Design”

The book was launched at the Italian Institute of Culture in Belgrade on Friday, September 27, 2019.

Award for the book

The book \”Wine Cellars of Negotin: Participatory Urban Design\” is awarded with the First Prize, by the Serbian Town-Planners’ Association, in a very fierce competition, as the best annual publication, among 20 selected titles, presented at the 28th International Urban Planners’ Exhibition, held on 8-13 November 2019. Further information about the award is available here.

Presentation of the book in Negotin 

On the occasion of the 56th edition of Mokranjac\’s Days, the book was presented in the public library \”Dositej Novaković\” in Negotin on 13/09/2022. The book was presented by Zoran Đukanović (editor) professor at the Faculty of ArchitectureUniversity of Belgrade and Roberto Cincotta (publisher), the director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Belgrade. Further information about the presentation is available here and here.

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