Author name: DINO

15 Summer school Paesaggi Culturali.

Summer school Paesaggi Culturali. As Gilles Clément argues, every rational organization of a territory produces a residue. Let’s start from this assumption to identify some strategies to direct some prospects for territories, which were proof of significant economies, cultural and urban processes as well, but now they disrupted the fabric of relationship with the places,

scientific School ils_innovative learning spaces a city for everyone

Scientific School ILS_Innovative Learning Spaces A City for Everyone \”ILS_Innovative Learning Spaces\” is the 3rd edition of the scientific school organised by DADU (Dipartimento di Architettura, Design e Urbanistica), Università degli Studi di Sassari, within the regional SPIN-UP project for \”Promotion of scientific research and technological innovation in Sardinia\”), with the contribution of Sardegna Ricerche

13 memory of the city / city, memory, oblivion

memory of the city / city, memory, oblivion The basic course aims to introduce students to the types, forms and conditions of the realization of artistic projects in public spaces that realizes the interdisciplinary work of the artist, architects, planners and designers and various forms of public participation and community involvement in the planning, design

06 bogdan bogdanovic – death and the city

bogdan bogdanovic – death and the city PublicArt&PublicSpace is one of the most active programmes at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade. During the past years, various projects related to the city and public spaces that involve students, experts and institutions of culture, science, economy and society have been organized within its scope. ART in

021 PaPs_2022_CLICCHE

clicche Climate changes, Cities, Communities and equity to Health – CliCCHE is the Erasmus+ European project (2022-2023) in which University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Public Art & Public Space program took part. The CliCCHE partnership brings together four academic partners, one research centre and four partner cities from Italy, Cyprus, Portugal and Serbia: University

020 PaPs_2022_ CollaborActive – Valjevo

collaboractive – valjevo Initiated in 2021 by the chief urbanist of the City of Valjevo, this annual project was designed as a permanent endeavour of PaPs to support the local administration and community of the city of Valjevo. The project builds upon our prior experience with the Municipality of Negotin, leveraging the visible results achieved

019 PaPs_2021_ Small Urban Interventions

small urban interventions This annual project is dedicated to small urban interventions whose design and production were the subject of PaPs elective courses, of Bachelor and Master Studies, for several semesters since 2014. By urban interventions, we mean artistic installations in open public space, with artistic intentions, site specific, environmentaly responsible, community oriented, cultural and

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