
03 уметност у јавним градским просторима/Public Space 4 Public Art

уметност у јавним градским просторима/Public Space 4 Public Art Objectiv: training students abouth planning, design and implementation of projects by improve their public spaces deployment and (re)design using the different art forms. Subject aims: Thematic areas are Urban Design, Public Art, Urban Public Spaces, Architectural Design, Urban Management, Management of Art, Urban Planning. For exploring […]

02 Public @rt & Public Sp@ce

Public @rt & Public Sp@ce since PaPs 2003 pointed out the path to the river to citizens of belgrade – PaPs 2004 aimed to keep them at the riverfront by organizing different events. these events were six sport and nautical events and competitions on the river and twenty different exhibitions were organized about the of

13 memory of the city / city, memory, oblivion

memory of the city / city, memory, oblivion The basic course aims to introduce students to the types, forms and conditions of the realization of artistic projects in public spaces that realizes the interdisciplinary work of the artist, architects, planners and designers and various forms of public participation and community involvement in the planning, design

06 bogdan bogdanovic – death and the city

bogdan bogdanovic – death and the city PublicArt&PublicSpace is one of the most active programmes at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade. During the past years, various projects related to the city and public spaces that involve students, experts and institutions of culture, science, economy and society have been organized within its scope. ART in

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