
Public art in terms of sustainable tourism: PaPs methodology

public art in terms of sustainable tourism: PaPs methodology AbstractTourism as a global phenomenon of constant growth in economic and social development assumes, not only orientation towards consumers, but rather respect and anticipation of local and regional, material and non material, natural and artificial values aimed at development economy and society in order to improve […]

Graffiti, Public space, Belgrade

graffiti, public space, belgrade Живковић Ј., Ђукановић З. (2008) Графити, јавни простор, Београд/Graffiti, Public space, Belgrade/ поглавље у монографији: Београд иза графита – улична уметност у Београду, аутор Владан Љубинковић, Београд: Архитектонски факултет Универзитета у Београду

Public art & Public space programme: Learning, but doing!

This paper explores possibilities for linking experiential urban design education with placemaking as an approach to public space improvement in the context of post-socialist countries. It does so by analysing educational, spatial and social rewards and challenges of doing placemaking through public art, derived from experiences of the urban design educational programme Public Art &


Urbophilia In September 2007 the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, published a book by Darko Radovic and Zoran Djukanovic entitled urbophilia. Urbophilia is a composite text. It combines some new and previously published writings by Darko Radovic, Professor of Urban Design and Architecture at the University of Tokyo\’s Centre for Sustainable Urban Regeneration (cSUR),

Placemaking – Public Art

placemaking – public art \”… From the very beginning of work on international, educational and interdisciplinary project Public art Public space (PaPs) – Urban municipality Stari Grad has various, complex and extremely significant role in its activities. By recognizing the importance of synergy actions in improvement of public spaces, Urban municipality Stari Grad enabled and

Cita, fiumi, margini fluviali – PaPs supported

cita, fiumi, margini fluviali – PaPs supported il volume citta , fiumi, margini fluviali – belgrado-roma raccoglie i progetti, gli studi е le ricerche di due gruppi di lavoro, serbo е italiano, che hanno voluto рег i\’occasione scambiarsi il terreno delle rispettive pгoposte architettoniche: roma рег belgrado – belgrado рег roma. significativa арраге la scelta

 Multitasking: public space 4 public art

 multitasking: public space 4 public art Art in public spaces Research of potentials of public spaces in Savski Venac municipality in Belgrade / Zoran Đukanović, Jelena Živković, Aleksandar Bobić. – Beograd : Opština Savski venac, 2008 (Beograd : C-print). – 118 pages, illustrated; 21x21cm, Circulation: 500. ISBN 978-86-87527-00-3 725.91.012-057.875(497.11)(084.12) COBISS.SR-ID 149913868 Multitasking: Public Space 4

Belgrade Fortress – Dream book of white town\’s continuity

belgrade fortress – dream book of white town\’s continuity Project’s Author Zoran Djukanovic Editors of the publication and follow-up manifestation Zoran Djukanovic, Olivera Vuckovic Program author Marina Andric, Olivera Vuckovic Reviewers Marko Popovic, PhD, prof. Branislav Mitrovic English translation Milan Secerovic Design Vladimir Parezanin, Vladimir Kovac Production PE „Belgrade Fortress“ Publisher PE „Belgrade Fortress“, Kralja

The City and Death

the city and death Public Art & Public Space – PaPs, 2011, made annual project \”The City and Death\” (you can see more by click here). One of its results is this publication, speaking about life and work of Bogdan Bogdanović (1922-2010); Serbian architect, urbanist and essayist, who was working with the landscape. Publication Bogdan Bogdanović

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